Steps after site is clean

Website Firewall (WAF) Monitoring & Detection Incident Response Performance Boost Website Backups How to Get Started Technical Whitepaper No more website malware… now what? If you’re reading this page, good job being proactive about website reinfection. While no one can promise the risk will be zero, we can work together to ensure that it’s as […]

SocGholish: Risks & Mitigation

HOME / EBOOKS / SocGholish: Risks & Mitigation Download PDF SocGholish, also commonly referred to as fake browser updates, is a sophisticated JavaScript malware framework that has been actively used by cybercriminals since at least 2017. The primary purpose of this malware is to trick users into downloading and executing malicious files — often under […]

Backdoors: Risks & Mitigation

HOME / EBOOKS / Backdoors: Risks & Mitigation Download PDF Website backdoors are stealthy mechanisms designed to bypass normal authentication to allow attackers persistent access to a website’s backend, long after the initial breach.  Backdoors allow attackers to regain entry into a system long after the initial breach. This sustained access can lead to repeated […]

SiteCheck Mid-Year 2024 Report 

HOME / REPORTS / SiteCheck Mid-Year 2024 Report Download Report PDF Introduction Conducting an external website scan for indicators of compromise is one of the easiest ways to  identify security issues. While remote website scanners may not provide as comprehensive of a scan as server-side scanners, they allow users to instantly identify malicious code and […]

What is a spam bot?

Spam Bot A spam bot is an automated program that sends unsolicited messages, known as spam, over the internet. These messages can appear as emails, comments, or posts on social media and forums. Website Firewall (WAF) Monitoring & Detection Incident Response Performance Boost Website Backups How to Get Started Technical Whitepaper What is a spam […]

2023 Hacked Website & Malware Threat Report

Our Website Threat Research Report details our findings and analysis of emerging and ongoing trends and threats in the website security landscape. This is a collection of the observations collected by Sucuri’s Research…

HTTP/2 Rapid Reset & CVE-2023-44487 Protection | Sucuri

Website Firewall (WAF) Monitoring & Detection Incident Response Performance Boost Website Backups How to Get Started Technical Whitepaper HTTP/2 Rapid
Reset Protection Protect your website and server resources from CVE-2023-44487 and HTTP/2 rapid reset attacks. Get Protection Chat Now HTTP/2 Rapid
Reset Protection The vulnerability in HTTP/2 protocol, known as HTTP/2 Rapid Reset, has potential for exploitation […]

Virtual Patching

Sucuri Virtual Patching Prevent vulnerable website software, WordPress plugins and themes from being hacked when you don’t have time to patch. The Sucuri WAF virtually patches known vulnerabilities to help protect your site from hackers. See Pricing Chat Now Virtual patching protects your site when you can’t update Our Web Application Firewall (WAF) can protect […]

Phishing Attacks & How to 
Prevent Them

Phishing attacks can seriously harm individuals, corporations, and website owners. Learn about the common types and phish techniques, how to spot the signs of a phisher, and steps to prevent phishing.