SEO Spam
Removal & Repair

SEO spam can hurt a website’s reputation and lead to blocklisting or even host suspension. Sucuri specializes in fixing SEO spam. We will clean and protect your site from spamdexing to help protect your hard-earned search rankings.

Quickly Repair SEO Spam & Unwanted Links

Getting rid of SEO spam is not simple. You have to detect the problem, remove the infection completely, and then ensure the website doesn’t get reinfected. Our sophisticated malware cleanup scripts and experienced security analysts can quickly address and repair even the most severe SEO spam infections. 

The Best SEO Spam Removal Service

The Best SEO Spam Removal Service

Our website security analysts scan and clean your site to remove SEO spam infections, unwanted links, and keywords. We also help resubmit your website to Google and other search authorities to remove any blocklisting or site errors.

Email Alerts

Email Alerts

Email alerts are enabled by default. You can customize the email and recipients for any alerts generated by the plugin. These alerts will keep you informed of any suspicious activity observed on your website.

A Trusted Website Security Provider

A Trusted Website Security Provider

When it comes to SEO poisoning, Sucuri has the antidote. Our approach is built from years of experience, and our industry-leading research keeps us ahead of emerging SEO spam campaigns and other threats.

Gain Peace of Mind with Sucuri

Gain Peace of Mind with Sucuri

At Sucuri, we believe that investing time, effort, and resources into research and remediation is the only way to build a strong website security company. We are eager to help you clean your website and make the web safer.



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Billion monthly



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speed increase

How Sucuri Removes SEO Spam from Websites

Our sophisticated malware scanners thoroughly check your website pages for known indicators of compromise, malicious links, and SEO spam keywords. Once the spam is removed, we help Google reindex your site and resubmit a cleaned sitemap to address website errors and blocklisting


Analysing the Website Environment

To clean your website, we connect via FTP or SSH and use the latest research from our lab to perform a deep analysis of the application server, database, and software environment.

Flagging SEO Spam Threats

Our research lab works around the clock to better understand the techniques employed by blackhat hackers, and to develop new tools to combat SEO spam. We use advanced heuristic analysis to flag new and emerging threats for immediate investigation.

Cleaning up SEO Spam

During the cleanup, Sucuri automatically creates quarantined backups of all modified files. Our technicians provide you with a complete report of what was found. Once the website is clean, we submit a review with third-party blocklists, and submit requests with the appropriate blocklist engines to re-crawl your website. While Sucuri cannot control the pace at which these entities operate, we do have the advantage of our brand, our relationships, and the volume of submissions on a daily basis.

Preventing Future Spamdexing Attacks

In the process, we take various steps to help harden your website after the cleanup and prevent future attacks. Our team will provide instructions to new clients on how to avoid reinfection. After the website is cleaned, we advise you to activate the Sucuri Web Application Firewall (WAF) to make sure reinfections won’t happen. The Sucuri website firewall is part of all Website Security Platform plans and acts as a barrier that filters out malicious requests, protecting your site from attacks and hacks.

If the website is somehow reinfected, rest assured that we offer unlimited cleanup requests throughout the lifetime of the subscription. Additionally, the Website Security Platform provides several monitoring options, alerting you instantly if we detect anything that could compromise the security of your website.

Your own security
team to depend on!



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Website security for large organizations, web professionals, and partners.

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