Website Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

Protect your site from hacks and attacks. Our Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Intrusion Detection System (IPS) provide the protection you need against website threats. Preserve your website traffic and rankings while increasing your website performance.

Malware & Hack Protection

We protect your website against malicious code and prevent website hacking with our Web Application Firewall (WAF).

Zero-Day Exploit Prevention

Hackers discover new vulnerabilities every day. We protect sites and stop suspicious behavior. Mitigating new threats rarely requires a patch.

DDoS Attack Mitigation

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can cause downtime. We block layer 3, 4, and 7 DDoS attacks.

Brute Force Protection

Automated hacker tools target all sites. We stop brute force attacks and password cracking to prevent site abuse.

How We Protect Your Website from Hacks

Virtual Patching & Hardening

If a security patch is released, but you can’t update your site, it becomes an easy target for hackers. We constantly update patches and server rules to protect your site.

Machine Learning

Protect your website from emerging security threats. We correlate attack data across our network to better understand malicious behavior and keep your site secure.

Protected Pages

Add another layer of protection to sensitive pages by enabling the Protected Page feature. Add passwords, CAPTCHA, 2FA (via Google Authenticator), or IP allowlisting.

IP Allowlisting

Allowlisted IP addresses ensure that only your team can access website administrative areas. Restrict your admin panels so malicious users don’t gain access.

Application Profiling

Each site has its CMS, server software, and other technologies in the stack. We analyze all the traffic to block requests that don’t fit your web application’s profile.

Signature Detection

All HTTP/HTTPS web traffic is inspected before reaching your server. With heuristic and signature-based techniques, we block malicious requests and attack patterns.

Bad Bot Blocking

When our systems detect a malicious bot or hacker tool trying to attack your site, it is blocked automatically. We protect your site from vulnerability exploitation attempts.

Geo Blocking

Most website attacks come from only a handful of countries. Block all visitors from the top three attack countries with one click or choose which countries to block.


Web traffic is malicious


Websites are hacked daily


DDoS attack increase yearly


Money back guarantee

How to Activate Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and DDoS Protection


Add Your Site to the Sucuri Firewall

After signing up, simply type your website domain name to get started. If your site is under a significant DDoS attack, select the option “I am currently under attack”. You can also restrict admin access to allowlisted IP addresses. More setting options available.


Activate Website Protection in Seconds

Enable the website firewall by changing your DNS records. When activated, the firewall intercepts and inspects all incoming HTTP/HTTPS packets to ensure that only safe requests arrive at your server. Our analysts are always happy to set it up for you.


Add SSL & Protect Data in Transit

We will automatically create SSL certificates (HTTPS) for your firewall server. Professional or Business plans can upload custom SSL certificates. You can open a support ticket anytime if you need assistance.


Choose from Caching Options

Power up your website with our content delivery. Not only is your website protected from hacks and attacks, site speed is optimized due to our high-performance caching.

Your own security team to depend on!